Golden City Support Services have a highly respected reputation based on the positive outcomes experienced by people who receive our support.

We provide services to people with a range of support needs, their family and carers. Our focus is on the individual as a valued member of the wider community.

The support we provide enables people to live in and be part of their own communities; with an opportunity to develop their own independence, personal ambitions, personal relationships and abilities.

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Golden City Support Services have a highly respected reputation based on the positive outcomes experienced by people who receive our support.

We provide services to people with a range of support needs, their family and carers. These include services to people with a disability, people recovering from mental illness, people living with dementia and other age-related conditions. Our focus is on the individual as a valued member of the wider community.

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Services we provide

Support Coordination
Mental Health
Plan Management
Short-Term Respite

Recent news

Creating Independence

Our Creating Independence group is looking for interested members to join them. Creating Independence is a group of people with disability who are interested in helping other people with disability have better services and

Freedom on the Water

If you looked out on the water at Weeroona recently, you might have seen Ross taking on the waves in one of the Sailability watercraft.Sailability is a not-for-profit, volunteer run organisation that runs around the

Move with Me

Our CreateA team has been working on their next performance - Move With Me - which will be presented at the Castlemaine State Festival next week. Move With Me is a celebration of dance

Recent news

Creating Independence

Our Creating Independence group is looking for interested members to join them. Creating Independence is a group of people with disability who are interested in helping other people with disability have better services and